
Sunday, April 01, 2007

Bullseye...or not so much?

Is life all about hitting the bullseye? The perfect, no-room-for-error, dead on bullseye? If you're like me, a confessed perfectionist, then life is about that. A perfect life w/a perfect body, a perfect home, a perfect GPA, a perfect family, perfect friends, a perfect schedule, a perfect relationship with God, and a perfect story to tell. Well, none of those things describes my life, at all.

I did have a perfect GPA...until last semster, and, you know, it wasn't so earth-shattering when I lost it. I had held onto the idea for so long that I HAD TO HAVE a 4.0. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I thought that was the only way to make my parents proud of me, and it was a source for my own pride, disguised by self-deprication, of course. I thought it was the only thing I could do well. Fortunately, somewhere along the way I realized that a perfect GPA is really not that important AND school is not my only strength.

Last night at church, our preacher posed the question, and I am paraphrasing, "Is God's will really a perfect bullseye as we have often made it to be, or do we have more freedom than we think?" When he brought up that point, I wanted to jump for joy! What if he was right? I had never thought of this before. Is there a chance that God is not a rigid, demanding perfectionist as we've made Him to be? Could He really care more about our faith, obedience, and love for Him than us hitting the perfect mark? And is there even a perfect mark? Maybe God's bullseye is wider than we thought. How exciting this is!!

Does this mean that I (and you) do not have to wait on a burning bush and God's audible voice to make a decision or act? I think so!!! What freedom! I feel like I could fly!

As long as our actions do not go against God's clear will as stated in His word, let's go! Let's step out in faith and in the perfect freedom that only Jesus can give! Stay close to Him, and He will stay close to you as you go out and get close enough to the bullseye!

***I just want to state, for clarification purposes, that what I've said is not meant to be a liscence to sin or to disregard God totally in making your decisions. His word is always the final authority of our lives as Christians, and we would be foolish not to consult it. I am simply saying that His good and perfect will may give us more freedom than we had thought.

Consult God's word always!!!

1 Peter 2:16 "Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God."


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